Rick Colón

Single Store Franchisee
Waxhaw, NC

"To start, I’d like to share with you and all others interested in a Nutrishop franchise my experience training with the corporate team. I am a 28 year veteran in the health and nutrition industry. I started independently in this business as a trainer and sales person in the health club industry. I was also a GNC franchisee for 20 years as well as a franchisee with one other retail nutrition company. I’ve experienced and done just everything a retail business owner can do. With that said, I was completely surprised, and very pleased with the training protocol provided by the Nutrishop corporate team and its existing franchisees that also assist with training. It was refreshingly straight forward, innovative, and well structured. Far better than anything I’ve ever experienced before in my 28 years in this industry. I truly feel blessed and welcomed as a new member of the very exclusive Nutrishop family.

The things I have learned, the systems in place to operate day-to-day business, and the support materials provided are proven and cutting edge. This company is not reactive, but proactive! I love everyone’s enthusiasm about the lifestyle and business model. I feel confident in the investment I made, and it’s long-term future success based on the company's track record of success as well as direct access to successful franchisees, who do not withhold any information or new ideas. I’m proud to be a Nutrishop franchisee. Top-notch products, a great business model, excellent franchisees, and a growing, resilient supplement industry providing the opportunity for guaranteed continued future success for myself, and anyone else willing to put in the work."


Ready to become a franchisee?

As you can see, our franchisees love their businesses. It's your turn your passion for fitness and nutrition into your own business with a Nutrishop nutrition franchise. Inquire today using the form linked below.